
Mrs. H.,
We want to thank you for being so influential in Carter’s learning to read. I do believe you have become that “one” special teacher in Carter’s life that has inspired him to do great things. I appreciate your patience in the beginning and your courage to hang in there. Look where Carter is now because of your and Carter’s hard work.
Thank you isn’t enough. — Parent

Dear Anne,
Thank you for teaching me how to read better. I will miss you. The good thing is that I will see you next year. I hope you have a Happy Christmas, also a good new year too. When we start if it is OK with you I will bring Crystal too.

Thank you so much for all you have done to help Jacob reach the success he has. Best of luck with your surgery — we’ll be thinking of you and your family.
With affection,
You made learning to read fun, thank you.

You don’t know how long I prayed for someone like you to help my son! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are an Angel from God. Words could never show my appreciation. God Bless You, Mrs. Hazelton!
Thank you for teaching me how to read, from Bryce.

I thank God for sending you into our lives. You have done so much for Michael, not only his education, but his self-esteem. T. and I cannot express our profound gratitude for all you have achieved.
You're a kind, gentle spirit whose loving nature and generous ways enrich each life you touch. Thank you for all you do... for all you are.
Parents and family

Dear Anne,
L. and I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for J., and for what you will do with G. We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate what you do for our children. You are our Christmas miracle! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Best wishes to you and your family.

Dear Anne,
I don't even know how to begin thanking you for all you have done for our family. All your efforts are so obvious as I hear my kids reading and laughing and as I see them feel confident. You truly do save lives and Anchorage is so fortunate to have you.
We will look you up whenever we return. The kids love you so very much. And I cherish you! What a treasure!
Thank you so much!

How she can teach me that in one lesson beats me!

When ill my son read for 3+ hours because he wanted to.

Thank you for giving my children the gift of confidence. The greatest gift I’ve ever received. Have a great break.

School is getting easier and better because of Anne. Spelling and writing are much better. It makes my heart sing!

When our second-grader first began working with Anne, he barely read at a first-grade level and was frustrated with school. He didn’t like going and often commented on how his friends were way ahead of him. In the six months he has worked with Anne, his reading level has soared to a third-grade level. More importantly, however, she gave him the confidence to be in charge of his reading. He is no longer daunted or confused by words. He breaks them down for understanding as well as builds them up for spelling. We love having our happy, confident son back and are grateful for Anne’s excellent teaching as well as her emotional support of our son.

While in Alaska this summer, I had the pleasure of spending time with Anne and was most impressed with her professionalism, creativity and enthusiasm. Anne has had extensive training and experience in teaching reading, writing and spelling to those students who struggle. Her rapport with parents and students alike is extraordinary. But most importantly, she gets results. Any student would be fortunate to have Anne as a teacher.
Trudy Winstead
Fellow of the Orton-Gillingham Academy of Practitioners and Educators

Dear Mrs. Anne, I am writing today to tell you how much I love you and all the work you have put into my family. Today Lily is working to convince her father and I that she should be able to get her own pet. She is doing research and writing a report following what she learned from your writing class to accomplish her goal. She wants to be totally prepared before she presents her case to us.
I don't know if thank you is a big enough word. When I see this beautiful, happy, and I can finally say confident child spreading her wings, I think of you and all you have given to us. My heart is filled to the very top. Well now it seems to be spilling out my eyes!
You said that the writing class was a struggle, I think this picture shows that what you accomplished was amazing!
Thank you!Parent